Our reliable and competent support ensures that you effectively learn how to use both public and private transport and confidently reach your appointments and attend your social events. We offer a flexible service, enabling us to work at your convenience and allowing you to travel according to your schedule.
We bring comprehensive travel and transport assistance into action with our trained and experienced team of support workers to ensure that you lead a fulfilling life.
Here’s what we include in our assistance with travel and support to achieve our goal of enabling your future:
- Assistance with accessing medical appointments and healthcare services
- Help with attending social events or community participation activities
- Assistance with grocery shopping and retail outings
- Support with attending educational institutions without any obstacles
- Help with travelling around your area
Our travel training program helps you realise your full potential and unlock it at the right time so you can get perfectly ready to achieve your goals and chase your dreams.
- We have trained and experienced support workers on our team.
- We respect your choices and value your need to travel independently.
- We prioritise your safety, security, comfort, and well-being.
- We work with honesty and passion.
- We maintain privacy and confidentiality in our collaboration with participants.